PC-specific fixes are coming to Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, but EA says there's still work to be done

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor — a mugshot-like screenshot of Cal Kestis as he appears in the upcoming Jedi sequel, with droid companion BD-1 looking over his shoulder.
(Image credit: Respawn Entertainment)

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor (opens in new tab) released in an unhappy state. So unhappy, in fact, that its user review rating on Steam rapidly hit "mostly negative (opens in new tab)" (although it's improved to "mixed" since then) and EA had to come out and promise fixes for its condition. It's a shame, since the game underneath all that technical mess is actually pretty good (opens in new tab). Today, Respawn detailed its upcoming fourth patch, which is set to hit PC "as soon as possible this week," with more than a few PC-only fixes.

The changes (opens in new tab) all look pretty granular to me, although any improvement is welcome, and EA is quick to emphasise that more work remains to be done. Still, you can look forward to ray tracing fixes, less hitching, improved non-ray tracing performance, and some tweaks to alleviate visual errors and bugs.

In particular, EA is promising "updated occlusion behavior" for ray tracing that should reduce idle time stalls, "updated streaming budgets" that will tackle traversal hitching, the impressively vague "performance improvements for some VFX," and better "data handling when toggling raytracing," which should boost your non-ray traced performance a bit.

Those are just the PC-exclusive fixes, and I've included the full patch notes below. EA wants you to know that it's aware there's work that still needs to be done, though. The company specifically mentions three PC-specific fixes that will need to be implemented in some different, future patch, which are:

  • Improving performance on newer i7 and i9 CPUs that have efficiency cores.
  • General performance improvements to improve both CPU and GPU utilization while reducing idle time, both with and without ray tracing.
  • Improving some hitching which can be attributed to streaming raytracing data, assets, and a gap in our prebuilt shaders.

EA also says that "various bug fixes" remain to be done on all platforms, which is both accurate and not enormously helpful. We'll have to wait and see what kind of a difference patch four makes to Jedi: Survivor's performance when it releases later this week. Here are those patch notes in full:

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor patch 4 details

  • (PC only) Updated occlusion behavior for raytracing, reducing idle time stalls.
  • (PC only) Updated streaming budgets that will help alleviate traversal hitching.
  • (PC only) Performance improvements for some VFX.
  • Coming soon to console
  • (PC only) Updated data handling when toggling raytracing, improving non-raytraced performance.
  • (PS5 only) Fixed an HDR value mismatch that would cause HDR setups to display incorrectly for PS5 users.
  • Fixed various save state errors.
  • Fixed a streaming issue that causes some streaming scenarios to end on a black screen.
  • Fixed an issue where one of the vents did not properly activate in Stone Spires.
  • Audio fix for a narrative moment where music was behaving incorrectly.
  • Fixed lightsaber marks not displaying correctly in some scenarios.
  • Fixed a scenario where the player could enter a progression blocked state in the Lucrehulk.
  • Fixed an elevator to prevent the player from falling through it and entering a progression blocked state.
  • Fixed a bug where Rayvis would become unbeatable.
  • Fixed a severe animation issue that would break a late game narrative sequence.
  • Fixed a collision bug where players can get stuck inside a Meditation Chamber.  
  • Added a note explaining that some of BD-1’s abilities are not available while in combat.
  • Improved text scrolling.
  • Minor text translation fixes.
  • Various crash fixes.
Joshua Wolens
News Writer

One of Josh's first memories is of playing Quake 2 on the family computer when he was much too young to be doing that, and he's been irreparably game-brained ever since. His writing has been featured in Vice, Fanbyte, and the Financial Times. He'll play pretty much anything, and has written far too much on everything from visual novels to Assassin's Creed. His most profound loves are for CRPGs, immersive sims, and any game whose ambition outstrips its budget. He thinks you're all far too mean about Deus Ex: Invisible War.